Modular light dependent relays 12-16A
The 11 Series comprises light dependent relays (twilight switches) for controlling lighting according to the ambient brightness level – supplied with a separate photosensitive sensor.
These devices include the following features (according to Type):
Modular contactors 25 - 40 - 63A
The 22 Series comprises a range of modular contactors which include the following features (according to Type):
Miniature Industrial relays 8 - 16A
The 46 Series comprises industrial power relays with the following features (according to Type):
Miniature General Purpose Relays 7 - 10A
Finder’s 55 Series general purpose relay range includes the following features (according to Type):
Miniature Power Relays 12A
Finder’s 56 Series power relays include the following features (according to Type):
Accessories: 99 Series
Line monitoring relays
The 70 Series comprises a range of multifunction devices that allow monitoring of undervoltage and overvoltage, phase sequence and phase failure.
Features include (according to Type):
Modular relays with forcibly guided contacts 6-10A
The 7S Series consists of relays with forcibly guided contacts for SIL 2/SIL 3 safety applications.
Features include (according to Type):
Modular timers 1-6 -8-16A
The 80 Series multi-function and mono-function timers include the following features (according to Type):
Multi-function modular timers - 16A
The 81 Series comprises a Multi-function Multi-Voltage timer with seven functions (4 with supply start and 3 with signal start with Reset function) and six time ranges from 0.1s to 10h.
Other features include (according to Type):