Building and Home Automation Solutions

Safety sensors, switches and locks

Sensors, switches and locks are used to control the gates and hatches around hazardous machinery, and to monitor the position of a machine. 

Devices for the DYNlink signal (Pluto safety PLC/Vital safety controller)

  • Eden non-contact sensor
  • Magne magnetic process lock

Devices for all types of safety controllers

  • Eden non-contact sensor
  • Sense non-contact sensor
  • MKey5 key switch
  • MKey8 and MKey9 process lock
  • GKey safety lock


Are You Looking For a Bulk Enquiry ?

Sandeep Dharia

+91 9820140077

Nireen Dharia

+91 9820045111

Kalpesh Dharia

+91 9820597149